Monday, May 31, 2010

More Cookies (See? I told you this was a cookie blog!)

Margarita Cookies

These were for a friend's divorce party. None of the pictures really turned out great (I so need a new camera!) but I had such fun with them that I had to post one. I love how the "salt rim" turned out. :-)

These scrabble cookies turned out to be some favorites.  I put them into little packages with letters to spell  out each recipient's name. And yes, the points were correct! :-)  (I made the Mom ones for me. Hey, I need cookies too!)

Monster Trucks
These were for an eight-year-old's birthday party. He wanted monster trucks.

Welcome to my cookie blog!

Hi everyone! I've created this blog so that you can follow my adventures in cookies!  I'll start with the pictures, and hopefully later I will learn how to sort and categorize them. 

Mother's Day and Teacher Appreciation
Here are some cookies I made to celebrate Mother's Day.  I used the same design for Teacher Appreciation Day.  Some were cookie "lollies" (with sticks) that I arranged in vases. 

I can't believe it's been 11 years since I moved to Oregon.  I miss being closer to family and friends, but I do love it here.  I'd been eyeing this cookie cutter for awhile until a friend surprised me with it for my birthday. Thanks April!

Princess Tiaras
I made these for my niece's sixth birthday. She loves all things princess!

Delightfully Creepy Garden Gnomes
Not much more to say about them, lol...

All packaged up for giving. Sometimes I think I like packaging the cookies just as much as I do making them!